Purpose of Life
Can the supposedly understood 'brief & meaningless' life be in reality 'meaningful & everlasting' ? Analyzing life from a neutral point, our purpose in life is restricted to following & seeking good-life according to the requisites of civilization & culture. Be it the materialistic western civilization or the ascetic eastern traditions, most individuals try to blend in with the crowd - without thinking, pondering & contemplating. There are other philosophies which try to explain that the sole aim of feelings, senses included in the machine of one's life is restricted to satisfying the desires, one such is Atheism. The 'purpose of life' can be summed up in two simple steps: To recognize the truth behind : our existence, our intrinsic-morality & our natural tendency to search God. To know and experience the divine attributes of God, and by experiencing them, to believe in them. Every single action & experience in ou...